GlamaRama Salon is proud to present The Pride & Joy Project: Portraits of Queer Motherhood*.
The Pride & Joy Project is a collection of family portraits focusing on queer mothers* & their families.
Portraits will be on view from August 5th – September 17th, 2017 at GlamaRama Salon: 304 Valencia Street, SF CA, 94103.
The Pride & Joy Project, created by Kersh Branz in 2014, seeks to explore what queer motherhood* looks like & share it with as much authenticity and joy as possible. The series focuses on queer mothers* and queer women & is inclusive of trans, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary parents. An asterisk is used with the word mothers* to indicate that not all persons involved in this series identify with the term “mother” or “mothers”.
Using the power of social media & family portraiture The Pride & Joy Project is actively changing the way the world sees queer mothers*, queer parents* and their families.
The Pride & Joy Project has been featured in O! The Oprah Magazine, San Francisco Magazine, Jeanne Magazine (France), A Bicycle Built for Two, RoundHouse Radio (Vancouver), LezBeMommies Radio, and more.
Visit: www.prideandjoyproject.com to view full galleries & more.
Visit the Facebook event page for more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/1689374217747611/