BUTCH – Photography by Meg Allen
May 17th thru July 3rd
Glama-Rama Salon & Gallery is excited to feature the photography of Meg Allen and her ongoing photography project, BUTCH. BUTCH is an environmental portraiture project and exploration of female masculinity, identity and the butch aesthetic in the San Francisco Bay Area from 2012-2016. Recently featured online on Huffington Post and Buzzfeed, we’re proud to present the project in it’s largest, most prolific public showing to date. Allen’s show run coincides with the San Francisco LGBT Pride celebrations and should be on everyone’s list of queer things to do and see in late June in San Francisco.
The show runs from May 17th thru July 3rd and the Opening Reception on Sat. May 21st, from 7:30-10pm will feature drinks, snacks and is a FREE EVENT.
From the photographer: “My inspiration to document the variety of Butches that existed around me began when I started to hear many lesbians saying the butch aesthetic was disappearing. I knew that they weren’t, but that they’ve never been adamant about being seen either. I also wanted to explore what exactly that aesthetic was in this part of the world in recent years.”
Bio: Meg Allen is a photographer, adventurer and amateur philosopher. At the moment, she is freelancing in all aspects of photography and image making to fund her art habit. She is finishing her first major body of work called “BUTCH” for book release by 2016. She loves a good story and travels whenever the opportunity presents itself. She prefers freedom over stability and quality over quantity. She currently resides in Oakland, California.